Unknown Cemetery
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Burntfork Cemetery
Mckinnon Cemetery
Unknown Cemetery
Lone Tree Cemetery
Mck...East Cemetery

Location:  41° 03' 07" North   110° 05' 03" West

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Last Name First Name Middle Name Photo Comment
Person Unknown 1 UnknownCemetery 001.jpg (327089 bytes)  
Person Unknown 2 UnknownCemetery 002.jpg (364931 bytes)  
Person Unknown 3 UnknownCemetery 006.jpg (450695 bytes)  


There are at least 2, probably 3, and possibly more, persons buried at this site.   It is said that a stockman temporarily  settled near here.  His family died..., he moved on.  There are no headstones or indications of who these people may be.  It appears the one flat board in picture 2, may have had an identifying inscription.  Also the reddish sandstone rock in picture 3, which is somewhat heart shaped may have been engraved, but if it was it is now all worn away.

If anyone can shed light on this cemetery or those interred here let me know.

This site is on private property.   If you plan on a visit, be sure to get permission.